How My Own Staff Can Help You Overcome the Year of Resignation

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23 Years of Outsourced Management, Recruiting & Human Resources


How My Own Staff Can Help You Overcome the Year of Resignation

In the past year, it seems as if more and more people have been quitting their jobs. This has led to a staffing crisis in the United States as businesses are struggling to find qualified employees to fill vacant positions. My Own Staff is a staffing agency that can help you overcome this resignation crisis.

We have remote employees based in the Philippines who are ready and willing to take on your company’s staffing needs. We have the perfect candidate for every position, regardless of how many virtual assistants or back-office support staff you need. Contact us today to learn more! In the meantime, here are four ways My Own Staff can help you overcome the past year of resignations.

We Can Fill Up 1 to 100 Positions

My Own Staff has a wide variety of employees in the Philippines who are ready and willing to take on your staffing needs. Whether you need one virtual assistant or 100 back office support staff, we can provide you with the perfect employee for the job. We have a wide variety of employees in a wide range of fields, so no matter what your staffing needs are, we can help fill them.


Different Fields Our Employees Can Work In

We have specialists in all sorts of fields, including virtual assistants, customer service, back-office support, real estate assistants, data entry specialists, lead gen specialists, IT support, and Law/Medical office staff.



Lower Employment Costs

Employing remote employees from the Philippines is a great way to cut costs. My Own Staff‘s labor is available for much lower rates than what you would find in the United States. This makes it possible for businesses of all sizes to afford the staffing they need.


Increase Company Productivity

Hiring remote employees can increase your company’s productivity. When you hire employees in-house, you are responsible for their training and development, as well as their day-to-day work. With remote employees, all of that responsibility falls on us.


Are you ready to get your company on its feet after the year of resignations? Contact My Own Staff today to learn more about our staffing services. We can fill up your company’s vacant positions with qualified and experienced employees, all for a fraction of the cost of hiring in-house staff!


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